What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a nine pointed geometric symbol with each point representing a basic personality type.  In it’s essence, it is a journey of self discovery that describes nine different means by which we maneuver our way through the world  providing language to understand our strengths and weaknesses, while revealing the hidden motivation behind our specific patterns of thinking, feeling and doing.  


It’s All about the WHY:

“The Enneagram reveals the filters through which we view life and how these influence the choices we make…. Most importantly, it illuminates our true essence as one who has been created in God’s image and how our distorted beliefs and ingrained strategies hinder the full expression of who God designed us to become.” The Enneagram can serve as a microscope on our inner life, revealing parts of us we may be completely unaware of. True transformation takes place in our inner life.

-Marilyn Vancil (Self to Lose Self to Find)


Why use The Enneagram:

The Enneagram uncovers the strategies and defense mechanisms we use to protect ourselves and get our needs met. These patterns develop as a result of adapting to the world in order to survive and manage our way.  When we grow in understanding of ourselves, we realize that the adapted self has many habits that actually deter us from living out of our most authentic self. We can then use Enneagram wisdom and tools to become our authentic self and live in the freedom and joy of who we were created to be.  This understanding sets us off on a trajectory of living from our highest potential.